IQ Tests Should be Required for a Drivers License

I have harped upon my issues with the lack of respect of bike riders before.  This time I’m going to get a little serious on y’all.  This past week has been a hard one for riders.  This first story causes me outrage, the second is personal.

Yesterday a cyclist riding IN A BIKE LANE was hit by a car.  The driver LEFT the cyclist lying on the side of the road.  That cyclist just so happened to be a renowned neurosurgeon in the area.  The driver was finally caught, but does that give anyone a sense of justice?  Not really.  How does one hit a cyclist, in the middle of the day, in a bike lane, from behind?!  It makes me more mad than I can convey with words.

In a related story my little bike crew had a tragedy last week too. The one day I stay behind to finish a paper for school I get a distressed phone call saying that one of our buddies was hit by a car during our Tuesday morning ride.  She was slightly behind the rest of the group coming off a light.  A driver making a left hand turn into a shopping center decided to stare at the boys in bike shorts instead of paying attention to where she was turning.  She T-boned my friend.  An SUV vs a Trek bicycle, not a fair fight.  My friend was lucky and just suffered a broken leg. It is bad enough that she has to have surgery and possibly a delayed graduation, however.  Moral of these stories… stay smart people! Pay attention!  Don’t be mad at the person riding their bike because they actually got off their ass and did something active today!  This is a serious issue.  If you are motivated to help bring awareness to making it safer for cyclists consider visiting this site.

Because my friend is laid up in bed until she can have surgery I decided to make some food and take it to her.  I told her (and probably scared her) that I was going to experiment with some new recipes.  Personally I think everything turned out great.  You be the judge.

Eggplant Bruschetta (Adapted from Pamela Salzman’s Eggplant-Caprese)

  • 1 Eggplant, Sliced
  • 2 T olive oil + some for brushing eggplant
  • Sea Salt and Black Pepper
  • 2 cups chopped, seeded tomatoes
  • 2 large garlic cloves, minced (I buy the jar, I use garlic daily)
  • 1-2 T balsamic vinegar
  • 1 handful of basil leaves, julienned
  • 4 oz  fresh mozzarella, sliced

1. Preheat broiler 2. Place eggplant sliced on a cookie sheet and brush them generously with olive oil on both sides.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper and roast for approximately 20 minutes. Turning once.  3. Mix the tomatoes, garlic, 2 T olive oil, basil, and at least 1 T vinegar.  Season with salt and pepper. 4. Arrange the cooked eggplant on a platter.  Top with a slice of mozzarella, then tomato mixture.  Drizzle more balsamic on top if desired.


Blueberry, Kale, and Quinoa Salad (Adapted from Greatist)

  • 1 cup dry quinoa
  • 2 cups chicken broth (or water and chicken broth mixed)
  • 1/2 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1 1/2 cup shredded kale
  • 1/2 cup crumbled goat cheese or feta
  • 1/3 cup sliced almonds
  • 2 T lemon juice
  • 2 T olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

1. Cook the quinoa in chicken broth according to package.  2. Combine quinoa, blueberries, kale, cheese, and almonds. Mix well. 3. Add olive oil and lemon juice and toss. 4. Season with salt and pepper.  (I know this recipe sounds odd, but it’s great.  I had it warm and cold, both tasty!) 

Pasta Alla Erin

  • Pasta noodle of your choice, enough for 4 servings, I used shells
  • 1 lb chicken, cubed, seasoned with poultry seasoning
  • 8 T butter (Nature’s Balance is what I use instead)
  • 4 T lemon juice
  • 1 T chopped parsley
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 2 T capers
  • 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes
  • 1 cup spinach

1. Cook the pasta according to package directions.  2. Season the chicken with a poultry seasoning (I use Frawg n’ Turtle’s Tadpole Seasoning) and cook in olive oil until no longer pink.  Set aside.  3. In the same pan melt butter and cook until browned slightly.  Add lemon juice, capers, parsley, garlic, and sun dried tomatoes.  Simmer for 5 minutes. 4. Add noodles, spinach, and chicken to sauce and stir until coated and warmed.  Have a great week my friends.  Go out, do something active, and for goodness sake look out for my buddies riding bikes!


Free to Frittata

Holy moly! It’s been quite the week for me. I am sad to report that my new shoes have injured me 😦 This will not stop me because April is going to be a big month. I’ll divulge details later.

I have been buried underneath books studying for finals for what seems like forever.  But as of noon today… done with another quarter! In two weeks I embark upon another internship.  10 whole weeks pretending to be a real therapist. Little scary if you ask me.  But for now, I will enjoy my time off.  First on the agenda is to enjoy some cold beverages and quit ignoring my husband.

For dinner tonight I did not want to leave the house to go get something to cook so I searched the fridge and came up with this.

Red Pepper, Artichoke and Olive Frittata

  • 1/2 Red pepper chopped
  • 1 clove of elephant garlic
  • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
  • 5 chopped artichoke hearts
  • 1/2 cup of kalamata olives chopped
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 T of milk
  • 1/2 cup cheddar cheese
  • 2 T of feta

Preheat the oven to 375* I started by sauteing the red pepper and garlic until the garlic was golden and the red peppers were soft.  I whisked the eggs and the milk.  Add the egg mixture, the peppers and garlic, and all the rest of the ingredients into a bake dish. Bake for 45 minutes or until it is cooked through.  Top with feta and serve.

This experiment was a success. Even my super-picky brother in-law had some! Well, I have just been handed a martini and think I will be making my way out to relax at the hot tub.  I’m not really a lush, I promise 🙂 Ahh it feels so good to finally have some free time!